Saturday, November 20, 2010

13 Minutes About Jesus

Would you listen to 13 minutes about Jesus?

The older I get the more I see and experience the harsh reality that this world is out to get you. This life is full of tough struggles. There are lightening bolts that hit every age group. Heartache and disappointment knock on everyone's door sooner or later. You could very easily be in a world of tough stuff right now. Perhaps you unemployed or under-employed? How do you cope with life now? Is it working?
Jesus is greatest story ever told. Some consider Him a crutch that weak people need to get through their Mondays. I know Him to be quite different than that. Jesus is alive and well and will return to reign as King of Kings on this earth! Jesus permanently changes hundreds of thousands of lives all over the world every year. The more that a nation experiences oppression, the more you see evidence of Jesus delivering freedom. People are being set free by Jesus as every hour passes. Just take 13 minutes and listen to Andy Stanley speak about The Message of Jesus. New life always begins by trusting and making a simple step to follow that lead. I challenge you to investigate Jesus for yourself.
Praying for you! May the Lord God of heaven and earth bless you all with abundant life!
NikonSniper Steve

Wanna hear more?
The Message of Jesus II,
The Message of Jesus III,
The Message of Jesus IV,
The Message of Jesus V,
The Message of Jesus VI